
Excerpt - Cosmic Weave, chapter 1

Excerpt - Cosmic Weave, chapter 1

Get a taste of my space opera suspense novel, Cosmic Weave.

Excerpt - Cosmic Weave, chapter 1

Get a taste of my space opera suspense novel, Cosmic Weave.

cover of Tales of Arkide, a silhouette of a tall woman in front of the outline of a very blue planet

Tales of Arkhide, together at last

I knew the first three stories in my Cooperative Realm needed to be together, but boy, did they fight me. For years.

Tales of Arkhide, together at last

I knew the first three stories in my Cooperative Realm needed to be together, but boy, did they fight me. For years.

The Sound of Imagination: Creating "Listeners"

The Sound of Imagination: Creating "Listeners"

Have you ever been in a room where everyone else is chatting comfortably, but you're distracted by a high-pitched whine that no one else seems to notice? Or walked past...

The Sound of Imagination: Creating "Listeners"

Have you ever been in a room where everyone else is chatting comfortably, but you're distracted by a high-pitched whine that no one else seems to notice? Or walked past...

cover of new book! against a starry background

We're going to Kickstarter!

For the first time ever, I'm launching a Kickstarter campaign to bring my latest novel, The Elders of Arkhide, to life—and I would love for you to be part of...

We're going to Kickstarter!

For the first time ever, I'm launching a Kickstarter campaign to bring my latest novel, The Elders of Arkhide, to life—and I would love for you to be part of...

Book cover marked with arrows describing aspects of the story: Underse adventure, first contact, galactic politics, sea monsters?

Excerpt - The Elders of Arkhide

Get a quick taste of my novel, The Elders of Arkhide!

Excerpt - The Elders of Arkhide

Get a quick taste of my novel, The Elders of Arkhide!

Close of the book cover, showing an underwater cave with a weird prismatic light outside the cave's entrance

Excerpt - The Elders of Arkhide, chapter 2

Get a taste of my novel, The Elders of Arkhide!

Excerpt - The Elders of Arkhide, chapter 2

Get a taste of my novel, The Elders of Arkhide!